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OpenGL 공부 나중에 실 사용을 위해서 적어둔 글입니다. Two matrix modes usually used Conversion 1. GL_MODELVIEW (default) - Camera Matrix (Extrinsic) It is a combination of view conversion and model conversion. View Conversion used by (gluLookAt) gluLookAt(eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ, centerX, centerY, centerZ, upX, upY, upZ) # eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ : viewer # centerX, centerY, centeZ : where viewer looking at # upX, upY, upZ : camera coordi.. 2022. 12. 27.
if statement making list with for loop two uses [key for key in data.keys() if data[key]['column_A'] is not None] In this case we don't need to specify else and the logic only make output with keys with True value. [key if data[key]['column_A'] is not None else 'value_B' for key in data.keys()] In this case you need to specify else statement or you got some error. -> you need to delete value_B if you don't need the value 2022. 10. 25.
‘CUSPARSE_SPMV_ALG_DEFAULT’ was not declared in this scope Error 해결 필자는 기존에 CUDA 11.1 + pytorch3d 1.9.0 을 사용하여 개발을 진행하고 있었다. colmap 어플리케이션을 활용하기 위해 Ubuntu 20.04에 colmap을 설치하던 와중 다음 가이드 사용 - (https://colmap.github.io/install.html) Installation — COLMAP 3.8 documentation COLMAP builds on all major platforms (Linux, Mac, Windows) with little effort. First, checkout the latest source code: The latest stable version lives in the master branch and the latest developme.. 2022. 8. 30.
BVH File Format 참고 페이지: https://research.cs.wisc.edu/graphics/Courses/cs-838-1999/Jeff/BVH.html Biovision BVH Biovision BVH The BVH file format was originally developed by Biovision, a motion capture services company, as a way to provide motion capture data to their customers. The name BVH stands for Biovision hierarchical data. This format mostly replaced an earl research.cs.wisc.edu https://gofo-coding.tistor.. 2022. 8. 12.